Monday, March 14, 2011

The Pinko Intellectual Speaks

First post, and let's clear something up right away:  I'm not a "pinko," and I likely don't qualify as an "intellectual" in the traditional sense of the word.  However, I've been called both (once at the same time), and I rather like the idea.  Hence the name.

What I really am?  A 45 year old sometimes-writer, home-schooling parent, and full-time political commentator. Yes, I'm one who drives folks crazy on Facebook with my near-constant politicizing.  So I've decided to let some of it spill over here; a release-valve of sorts.  That way, it will be a small bit easier for those who don't wish to partake to avoid my holding forth on political issues.  Of course, I won't completely abandon my Facebook soapboxing--where's the joy in that?

I hope I can come up with something entertaining, interesting, and informative here.  And fun, of course.  Because if it's not fun, what's the freakin' point?

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